Saturday, December 10, 2011

Anybody hear that? It's a, um... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here.

The psychology of the people in your life.

            Sometimes there are people in your life who are merely there for a brief span of time. These are the people you meet in passing or in non-major related classes in college. Or they are the friends who you think will be long lasting but really only turn out to be there for a short time. Maybe, because of a falling out between the two of you or maybe from lack of trying. In any case you share bits of your life with these friends and for all you know there is a sea of information floating bit by bit out there in the vast world of people. These people who enter and leave your life on a whim are a hard concept to swallow. We as humans I believe, try to make lasting lifelong connections with people and when that doesn’t work we blame ourselves and reevaluate who we are as people.

            On the opposite end of the spectrum there are the people who will never leave your life. No matter how hard you try to shake them, no matter how much you want them to get out of your heart they never leave. They are there for you even in lapses of conversation. These people are dear to you. Don’t let them get away. These are the people who you will have in your greatest hours of need. They are the people who despite what you think or know will tell you that you are a great person. They will dry your tears, whether they literally dry them or they talk them away just depends on your location. These people are so rare and beautiful in life. They are the people who make you realize how terribly in love or out of love you are. They make you reevaluate yourself for the right reasons. They lift you up. They hold your hand because they know that is what you need.

            I have both of these types of people in my life. While, I often think of the people who make a brief stop in my life, the people who never leave are constantly in my heart. 

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